Invasions by non-native plants in Churchill, Manitoba


Non-native plant invasions are relatively uncommon in subarctic zones and high latitudes due to environmental barriers and limited accessibility. However, the town of Churchill, Manitoba, has been a hotspot for invasions, where over a hundred non-native plants have been recorded but have not spread into the tundra or boreal forest. In this presentation, Dr. Peter Kotanen and Vicki Zhang will discuss their research, which identifies and experimentally tests factors that may have led to past failed invasions in this area, and asks whether these barriers will be lifted due to climate and global change, leading to further spread of invasive species. Dr. Peter Kotanen is a professor at the University of Toronto and Vicki Zhang is a PhD student and researcher.

May 16, 2022
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
Northwest Territories Council on Invasive Species, Pests, and Pathogens
Vicki M. Zhang
Vicki M. Zhang
PhD Candidate

I am a PhD Candidate at UofT studying invasive species in the subarctic, and am passionate about science communication and outreach.